How to Prevent Theft of Heating Oil

With oil prices drastically rising and the environment a hot topic, heating oil has become an expensive commodity. Oil theft is once again on the rise so we want to guard our oil tank as much as possible to prevent our heating oil being stolen. Here are some steps that we can put in place to prevent our heating oil tank from being broken into.
1. Location of oil tank
While there are regulations as to where you should sit your heating oil tank, if possible the oil tank should be sitted as close to the house as possible and within view of a window. The oil tank should not be visible from the roadway
2. Switch from a single skin tank to a bunded tank
By replacing your single skin oil tank with a bunded oil tank or double skin oil tank, you are giving your heating oil an extra layer of protection
3. Strategic planting
By planting hedging or prickly plant and shrubs around your heating oil tank, it will deter thieves from coming close to the tank. It will also disguise the location of the oil tank better and make it less visible to strangers.
4. Secure your oil tank
Another way to secure your oil tank is to erect a timber fence or a metal cage around the tank. This makes it more difficult for thieves to drain your oil tank. It will take them longer to get to the tank to get the oil out giving time for you to be alerted that someone is stealing your heating oil.
5. Oil Tank Alarm
There are many options for audible oil tank alarms for your heating oil tank which will alert you to a sudden drop of liquid in your oil tank. have a large range of oil tank alarms that you can choose from. The Watchman Sensit can also alert your mobile phone remotely if there is a sudden drop on oil levels.
6. Good tank lock
While a padlock on your oil tank can be a deterrent to oil thieves, a bolt cutter can easily cut through a padlock. As an alternative spinning tank lock can be used.
7. Security Lights
Good security lighting installed around your tank area will also deter theives from stealing your oil.
8. CCTV's
CCTV cameras provide great security for your oil tank. This may seem a bit extreme but CCTV's have become relatively cheap and are now accessible from your mobile phone to be able to see any movement around your oil tank at any time.
9. Limit the quantity of fuel
While this may seem obvious, the less heating oil in the oil tank, the less oil that can be stolen. By topping up your tank in smaller amounts, it means that there is less likelihood of you losing a huge amount of money spent on oil. Be vigilant for a while after your tank is filled also.

Oil Tank Regulations

Guide to Choosing the Right Oil Tank